Cuban Studies

Cuban Studies

Michael Bustamante, University of Miami
Lillian Guerra, University of Florida
Jennifer Lambe, Brown University

Managing Editor:
Daniel J. Fernández-Guevara, University of Florida

Cuban Studies is the preeminent journal for scholarly work on Cuba. Each volume includes articles in English and Spanish and a large book review section. In publication since 1970, this interdisciplinary journal covers all aspects of Cuban history, politics, culture, diaspora, and more.

Note: Volume 42 and earlier of the Cuban Studies series are available as eBooks through major library aggregators such as JSTOR, Project Muse, EBSCO, and ProQuest.

Advisory Board

Senior Honorary Members

  • Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Founding Editor, University of Pittsburgh
  • Lisandro Pérez, City University of New York
  • Louis A. Pérez, Jr., University of North Carolina
  • Jorge Pérez López
  • Enrico Mario Santí, University of Kentucky
  • Alejandro de la Fuente, Harvard University


  • Elaine Acosta González, Florida International University
  • Mabel Cuesta, University of Houston
  • Daylet Domínguez, University of California-Berkeley
  • Karen Dubinsky, Queens University (Canada)
  • Paloma Duong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Leida Fernández Prieto, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
  • Guadalupe García, University of California San Diego
  • Hanna Garth, Princeton University
  • Jorge Giovanetti, Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Katerina González Seligman, University of Connecticut
  • Renata Keller, University of Nevada-Reno
  • Marilyn Miller, Tulane University
  • Mauricio de Miranda Parrondo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali (Colombia)
  • Silvia Miskulin, Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
  • Hans Jacob Ohldieck, University of Southern Norway
  • Rafael Pedemonte, University of Poitiers (France)
  • Olga Portuondo, Universidad de Oriente (Cuba)
  • Silvia Pedraza, University of Michigan
  • Oscar Zanetti, Universidad de La Habana (Cuba) / Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

Series Editors

Michael J. BustamanteUniversity of Miami

Michael J. Bustamante is associate professor of history and the Emilio Bacardí Moreau Chair in Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami. He is the author of Cuban Memory Wars: Retrospective Politics in Revolution and Exile, published by the University of North Carolina Press in 2021. With Jennifer Lambe, he is coeditor of The Revolution from Within: Cuba, 1959–1980, published by Duke University Press in 2019. Bustamante also serves as director of Academic Programs at the Cuban Heritage Collection at UM, the largest archival repository dedicated to Cuban materials outside of the island and the largest collection of materials on the Cuban diaspora in the world. He also directs the undergraduate program in Cuban Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences and its affiliated academic minor. His scholarly writing has appeared or is forthcoming in such publications as Journal of American Ethnic History, Latino Studies, Cuban Studies, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Anthurium, and Cold War History.

Michael J. Bustamante

Lillian GuerraUniversity of Florida

Lillian Guerra is the author of many scholarly articles, works of public history, creative writing and five books of history: Popular Expression and National Identity in Puerto Rico (University Press of Florida, 1998), The Myth of José Martí: Conflicting Nationalisms in Early Twentieth-Century Cuba (University of North Carolina Press, 2005), and Visions of Power in Cuba: Revolution, Redemption and Resistance, 1959-1971 (University of North Carolina Press, 2012), which received the 2014 Bryce Wood Book Award from the Latin American Studies Association, its most prestigious prize for a book on Latin America across all fields. Dr. Guerra’s fourth book, published by Yale University Press in 2018, is titled Heroes, Martyrs and Political Messiahs in Revolutionary Cuba, 1946-1958. In 2023, Guerra published Patriots and Traitors in Revolutionary Cuba, 1961-1981, the third of her trilogy on the Cuban Revolution, with the University of Pittsburgh Press. From 2013-2024, she served as the Book Review Editor of the journal Cuban Studies.


Lillian Guerra

Jennifer LambeBrown University

Jennifer Lambe is associate professor of Latin American and Caribbean history at Brown University. Her most recent book is The Subject of Revolution: Between Political and Popular Culture in Cuba. She is also the author of Madhouse: Psychiatry and Politics in Cuban History (University of North Carolina Press, 2017) and, together with Michael Bustamante, coeditor of The Revolution from Within: Cuba, 1959–1980, published by Duke University Press in 2019. Lambe also directs a digital humanities project entitled “Beyond the Sugar Curtain: Tracing Cuba–US Connections since 1959.”

Jennifer Lambe

Daniel J. Fernández-GuevaraUniversity of Florida

Daniel J. Fernández-Guevara is a McKnight Doctoral Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Florida. He successfully defended his dissertation on July 28, 2022. His work explores migration, revolutionary identity, and solidarity. His dissertation, “Comrades and Internationalists: Forging Identity and Cuban Solidarity with the Other Spain, 1902-1961,” examines the impact of Spanish Republican exiles on Cuban solidarity movements in the twentieth century. His work has been published in History & Memory and Cuban Studies. He has taught courses on Caribbean history, world history and Latin America during the Cold War. Prior to his position as managing editor, Dr. Fernández-Guevara worked as editorial assistant for the Latin American Research Review.

Daniel J. Fernández-Guevara